Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Grow into the Principle of Personal Revelation

So, this week was pretty crazy; we had a lot going on in the zone, and not a whole lot going on in the area. Honestly, we have not seen a lot of progress in our area lately – but we are taking advice from the mission president in how to better work with members and get the area progressing.

I am not going to be thinking about that too much; I will be moving to a new zone to be companions with one of my best friends in the mission: Elder Nelson. He is a talented missionary who is very, very fluent at the language. I have talked with him a lot throughout my mission. He was my zone leader while I was in Bocaue. I am looking forward to working with him, in what people say is the most progressing area in the mission (lets hope I don’t screw it up).

We will see what I can do and learn in my new area. I will be in Batassan Hills Ward in the Fairview stake. Fairview is right in the middle of the city. I have been trying to avoid the dirty air in the city my whole mission and it has finally caught up to me. Elder Nelson has been assigned there for over a year. He loves the area and has told me it will be fantastic.

I look forward to the changes that are happening in the mission. We are seeing a bigger focus on personal revelation, service, and working with members

Personal revelation has been the topic of my studies ever since general conference. President Russell M Nelson told us to work every day to receive specific personal revelation and to find answers to problems through the Spirit. He says God is willing to teach us and talk to us, but we need to show him that we are willing to listen to Him and write what He would have us learn.

I encourage all of you to take part in that activity. Take time every day to pray and to think. Write down what God is telling you about your life and what you can do to solve your problems. We all have problems – big and small. We need God's help to direct us in these trials. I am seeing a lot of good things as I sit down every night with a pen and paper and write the thoughts that come to my head. Take time to study the words of Prophet Russell M Nelson and work on your relationship with God. The windows of heaven can be opened unto you. God wants to reveal unto you His secrets.

We will see what the future holds in my new area, I think I will learn a lot there. There will be so many new things to experience. Also, if you remember Elder Bromley – he is the district leader for my new area and I am very excited to work closely with him in the coming months.
I will try to get you some pictures of my next area and the people I work with there. I have really been slacking on the pictures lately. Sorry about that.

I love you all. thanks for the time. Thanks for the personal emails.
I got to talk to my Mom and My dad this week and I really enjoyed the time video calling them. It is always fun to see the fam.

Elder Faulkner

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